Failure Analysis of Floating Head Bolt of Rich Water Heat Exchanger in Acrylonitrile Plant and Countermeasures 丙烯腈装置贫富水换热器内浮头螺栓断裂分析
Outside-packed floating head exchanger according to the conditions of supply and demand in the foreign exchange market. 外填料式浮头换热器可上下浮动的外汇汇率。
Outside-packed floating head exchanger 外填料式浮头换热器储油-卸油浮动码头
No, our guy is just a floating head. 没,我们的朋友只是一颗浮头。
Objective To understand the occurrence of floating head primipara factors and the impact on the delivery to explore how the middle class to take reasonable measures to maternity benefit. 目的了解初产妇胎头浮动发生因素以及对分娩的影响,探讨产时如何采取合理措施有利分娩。
The Discussion of the Treatment of Elective Cesarean Section With Fetal Floating Head 择期剖宫产术中胎头高浮娩头方法探讨
Through visual inspection, metallographic examination and analysis of chemical compositions and process conditions, causes of floating head bolt broken were found and corresponding measures were adopted, obtaining good result. 通过宏观检查、金相、化学成分和工艺条件的分析,查明了浮头螺栓断裂的原因,采取了相应措施,收到了好的效果。
The reasonable design principle of floating head flange was analyzed and related design methods were presented. Such methods had been compiled to software which was applied in engineering, making the design of floating head flange tend to safety, economy and reasonableness. 针对浮头式换热器的浮头法兰设计存在的问题,对该种法兰的合理设计原理进行了分析并提出合理设计方法,从而使浮头法兰的设计趋于安全、经济和合理。
Research and development of heat exchanger CAD system is described in this paper. It is applied to computer aided design of floating head exchanger, floating head condenser, U_tube exchanger and fixed tube plate exchanger. 介绍换热器CAD软件系统的研制开发及其功能,它主要用于浮头式换热器、浮头式冷凝器、U型管式换热器和固定管板式换热器的计算机辅助设计。
Analysis and Treatment of Difficulty Delivery Reasons of Cesarean Section with Fetal Floating Head 胎头高浮剖宫产胎头娩出困难原因及处理
Half the number of bolts in floating head of deethanizer overhead cooler were brittle fractured. 气体分馏装置脱乙烷塔顶冷却器浮头螺栓,半数发生脆性断裂。
Reasonable design of floating head flange relationship between primipara with floating head and dystocia 浮头法兰的合理设计初产头浮与难产
Analysis the cramping pipe plates of Floating head heat exchanger engender bigger deformations break and their preventing mentions. 本文分析了浮头换热器固定管板产生较大变形破坏的原因和防止措施。
Views on floating head flange thickness calculation 对浮头法兰厚度设计计算的一些看法
Simple Tool Used in Test of Tube End in Floating Head Exchangers 浮头式换热器管头简易试压工具
Application of Bellows Expansion Joint in Pressure tested Device of Floating Head Heat Exchanger and Its Analysis Calculation 波形膨胀节在浮头式换热器试压装置中的应用及分析计算
Design of Floating Head Flange 浮头法兰的设计
A Improved Tubesheet Design Method of Floating Head and Outside Packed Heat Exchangers 浮头式、填函式换热器管板设计方法的改进
Corrosion Protection of Floating Head Heat Exchangers with Combined Coating and Plating 涂镀层相结合的浮头式换热器防腐蚀措施
Elimination of welding cold crack in floating head of floating-head type heat exchanger 浮头式换热器浮头盖焊接冷裂纹的消除
Conclusion: The new method is a better and efficient way of the lower cesarean section with fetal floating head than the general cesarean section. 结论:改进后的娩头法较常规娩头法能迅速而顺利取出胎头,安全性较高,母儿并发症较少,是胎头高浮子宫下段剖宫产取头的一种有效方法。
Optimized design of floating head flanges in floating head exchangers(ⅰ) 浮头式换热器浮头法兰的优化设计方法(一)
Floating head flange of floating head heat exchanger is a special flange. It can not adopt the common flange design method of "Calculate the flange thickness with the different working condition on its own, and then take the maximum valve". 浮头式换热器的浮头法兰是一种特殊法兰,不能采取一般法兰的分工况独立计算法兰厚度,尔后取其大值的方法进行设计。
The CAD software of floating head exchanger 浮头式换热器CAD软件
The connection types of supporting point of point-supporting glass curtain often adopt countersunk type or floating-head type. 点式玻璃幕墙的支承点的连接方式一般采用沉头式或浮头式两种形式。
For low harden tendency steel, the welding cold cracks appeared in the floating head of floating-head type heat exchanger can be eliminated by adopting low hydrogen weld-ing materials, rational welding structure decreasing the restraint stress of the joints and suitable welding procedure. 对于低淬硬倾向的钢材,采用低氢型焊材,合理设计焊接结构,降低接头的拘束应力状态,通过合理的焊接工艺,可以消除浮头式换热器浮头盖焊接时出现的焊接冷裂纹。
Analysis Of Cooler Floating Head Bolt Broken and Improvement Measures 冷却器浮头螺栓断裂分析及改进措施
Study on condense effect on rod baffle floating head heat exchanger with inner draft tube 内导流筒折流杆浮头式换热器冷凝效果研究
Analysis of Broken Bolts on Small Floating Head of the Heat Exchanger 换热器小浮头螺栓断裂失效分析